Podcast Episode 8: Susie Vickery

Although I have been aware of Susie Vickery’s personal embroidery work for a while, I only recently learnt about her development work when I spoke to Jude van der Merwe of the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial. I enjoyed this conversation with Susie – she is a multitalented artist who is having a lot of fun with her work.



Susie Vickery


From the West End to the Himalayas

We start the conversation with Susie telling us about her career in London as a costume designer and maker on the West End in London before she moved with her husband to Asia. There they first lived in Nepal, and later in Tibet and Mumbai where she was involved in craft development work for different groups and organisations.


Susie Vickery in Tibet

Susie with her friends in Tibet


Stop-motion Stitching

Susie explains how her personal art practice developed alongside her community work and how the two influenced and informed each other. She talks about her study and research into sweatshops, both historical and modern-day. She describes how she turns her embroidery into stop-motion animation and videos.


Susie Vickery stop motion animation

Sweatshop animation


Citizen Botanist

Susie’s theatre background, her toymaking experience in Tibet, and her sense of fun culminated in her creating puppets with their own travel stories and adventures. She tells us about the Botanist and his interesting life.

Citizen Botanist on Instagram


Susie Vickery Citizen Botanist

Citizen Botanist planning his next adventure



The Curious Five Goes Surfing is an immersive installation Susie presented at the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial in Perth, Western Australia. She shares the story behind it and tells us how it came together.



Susie Vickery IOTA21

The Curious Five Goes Surfing installation at IOTA21


Home Sweet Home

After travelling the world for many years, Susie is now based back in her hometown, Perth where is again involved with community group projects. This time with indigenous as well as migrant groups. She shares some of the emotional stories they get to express with textiles and sewing.

Link: Community Arts Network: https://www.can.org.au/

Fremantle Arts Centre: https://www.fac.org.au/


Susie Vickery Development work in WA

A project Susie worked on with the Langford Aboriginal Association. On display at the Fremantle Arts Centre

Susie Vickery





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